

一、锁类型 1.1、自增锁 An AUTO-INC lock is a special table-level lock taken by transactions inserting into tables with AUTO_INCREMENT columns. In the simplest case, if one transaction is inserting values into the table, any other transactions must wait to do their own inserts into that table, so that rows inserted by the first transaction receive consecutive primary key values. 自增


MySQL事务原理 1、事务是什么? 事务通常指的是逻辑上的一组操作,要么全部执行成功,要么全部执行失败。总体来说,他们具备ACID四大特性,分


1、数据库与缓存不一致问题 1.1、问题产生 为什么用缓存? 提升读性能:db受限于磁盘限制,缓存基于内存,磁盘与内存的读性能想差甚远 会产生什么问